Monday, December 21, 2009

Is Regifting Tacky?

This is the last week before Christmas, and most of the holiday parties, except for that final office party are over. While families will still plan to get together over Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, many business relationships have already exchanged gifts. It's not uncommon for businesses to send their best or favorite clients gifts during the holidays. I know that I have received my fair share over the years.

The question is - Is it acceptable to re-gift those presents to someone else you know that will appreciate them? I am not raising the question about whether one should re-gift something personal given to them by a cherished friend. That is a matter all together different. But does the same etiquette apply to corporate gifts?

Say for example, that I wanted to purchase a nice bottle of wine for a friend. Then I receive a nice bottle of wine from a company that does business with me. Can I change the label and give that gift to the friend I wanted to originally give a bottle of wine to? Especially if it is a quality bottle and something I know my friend would like?

I'll leave the answer up to my good friend Mike Supple at  What do you say Mike?


  1. I personally find it hard to part with a good bottle of wine redargdless of the situation, but my own proclivities aside I don't see any problem with it.

    As long as you're not regifting because "ew, this bottle is gross and I can't bear to drink the stuff" then I say you're definitely in a safe zone saving money and making your friends happy at the same time.

    So if you got some corporate wine gifts that you're willing to part with, send 'em my way! :)


  2. I regifted one and brought it to a friend's house this Christmas. A very expensive and wonderful bottle of champagne that the host, unwittingly, used to make Mimosas! But damn, they were good!!!
