Sunday, January 3, 2010

Self Disciplined Society

Do you ever wonder what our world would be like if we were comprised of a self disciplined society of highly evolved beings?  Imagine the possibilities.

If it was within each of us, whenever faced with a question or task, to answer the call with "What would Love do"?

The possibilities are endless.  The very thought of it could negate the need for government as we know it.   After all, why do we need govern ourselves collectively, when we can make fair and unifying choices individually. 

There would be no need to police ourselves, or defend ourselves, and no need to mete out justice.

For that matter, in a perfect world, we would have no need for our military, police forces, attorneys, judges, jails, and prisons.

What if all those resources could be deployed to enhance and better the lives of all humanity in other ways?

1 comment:

  1. Kathy (Holleschu) HodgesJanuary 4, 2010 at 8:25 AM

    If we all lived in the now - we would have that perfect world. Which I belive is what the other side (heaven) is like. The concept of past hurts and inequities doesn't exist. Yearning for some future perfection or goal. We don't have the filter of ego that we live with on this side. Do I sound like Eckhart Tolle - a bit. I had a hard time reading his latest book, but parts of it rang of truth.

    To live the way our spirits were intended to live - to love and experience for God. To treat others with love and respect. To understand we are no different or better or worse than all other souls on their journey. To live in the moment and to embrace the now - that takes discipline, but it really enhances the quality of one's experiences.
